The OptiTrust project is lead by Arthur Charguéraud (Inria and Université de Strasbourg), who is interested in program verification, program optimization, and mechanized semantics of programming languages.
Students and postdocs
- Guillaume Bertholon, PhD student since March 2022, works on maintaining Separation Logic derivations through transformations.
- Yanni Lefki, M2 intern March 2025, works on applying OptiTrust to the optimization of OCaml programs.
- Pauline Bonnet, M2 intern since March 2025, works on applying OptiTrust to numerical simulations.
- Thomas Koehler (CNRS and Université de Strasbourg), works on OptiTrust case studies, as well as sketch-guided optimizations.
- Jens Gustedt (Inria and Université de Strasbourg) served for 10 years on the C standardization committee, in particular as co-editor of the C17 standard.
- Alain Ketterlin (Université de Strasbourg) is an expert in polyhedral transformations, a large class of optimizations for performance-critical loop nests.
- Yannick Zakowski (Inria and ENS Lyon) works on mechanized semantics for programming languages, program logics, and compiler correctness proofs.
- François Pottier (Inria) works on semantics and program logics for OCaml and multicore OCaml, and on mechanized proofs of time and space bounds.
- Xavier Leroy (Collège de France and Inria) is the main architect of the OCaml programming language and of the CompCert formally verified compiler.
- Loïc Correnson (CEA) leads the development of the Frama-C platform for the analysis of C programs.
- Allan Blanchard (CEA) is a researcher involved in the development of Frama-C, in particular the EVA and WP plugins.
- Philippe Helluy (Université de Strasbourg and Inria) works on mathematical and numerical analysis of physical systems, and high-performance implementations of simulations.
- Victor Michel-Dansac (Inria and Université de Strasbourg) is a researcher in applied mathematics, also working on numerical analysis and high-performance simulations.
Past contributors
- Ramon Fernandez Mir, M1 intern, 4 months in 2018, studied the formalization in Coq of data layout transformations.
- Damien Roulhing, postdoc, 11 months in 2019, implemented the core of the OptiTrust framework.
- Begatim Bytyqi, postdoc, 18 months in 2021-2022, extended the transformation library and completed the particle-in-cell case study.
- Anton Danilkin, L2 intern, 2 months in 2021, worked on the import of Rust code into OptiTrust.
- Nicolas Nardino, M2 intern advised by Yannick Zakowski, March-July 2023, worked on a mechanized proof relating the semantics of OptiTrust with that of the CompCert verified compiler.