Solution for Rules.ExamplePrograms2.triple_factorec
intros n. induction_wf IH: (downto 0) n. unfold downto in IH.
intros Hn. applys triple_app_fix. { reflexivity. } simpl.
applys triple_let.
{ applys triple_le. }
intros b. simpl.
apply triple_hpure'. intros ->.
(* applys triple_if_case; rew_bool_eq in *. *)
applys triple_if. case_if as C.
{ applys triple_val. xsimpl. rewrite facto_init; math. }
{ applys triple_let.
{ applys triple_sub. }
intros x. simpl.
applys triple_let (fun r => \[r = (facto (n-1))]).
{ apply triple_hpure'. intros ->.
applys IH. { math. } { math. } }
intros y. simpl.
applys triple_hpure'. intros ->.
applys triple_conseq.
{ applys triple_mul. }
{ xsimpl. }
xsimpl. intros ? ->. rewrite (@facto_step n); math. }
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